1.Context Handicap International in partnership with BROTHERHOOD has been implementing an advocacy initiative known as “Teen Peers Educators Programme on Disability” in four mainstream schools in New Delhi. The basic objective of implementing this initiative has been to create awareness in students, teachers and school administrations on disability issues and to promote inclusion of children with disabilities into mainstream schools. The first year was a pilot phase and we received a very encouraging response from the Key Achievements:
This success has given us the encouragement to take this project to the next level. Three new schools have heard of this initiative through word of mouth and have requested us to implement this project in their schools. 2. Project objectives Specific objective: To contribute towards awareness raising on the issue of disability in five schools in New Delhi by the end of one year General objectives: To raise awareness on rights-based, inclusive perception of children with disabilities in five schools (three new batches in the old school + two new schools) in New Delhi by the end of one year To work towards making the three schools (old) into disability-inclusive model schools for Physically Impaired (PI) & Visually Impaired (VI) in New Delhi by the end of one year 3. Project beneficiaries (direct and indirect) This project seeks to reach out to Children both disabled and non-disabled and their teachers directly and to reach out to the community at large e.g. parents, friends, family etc indirectly. 4. Expected results
5. Methodology This year we propose to work on two focal areas or axis. AXIS A
Rationale: Also, the three schools who have requested us to continue the initiative want to train their student counselors on this issue so that in the coming years they can replicate it themselves with minimal support from us. In order to take this initiative forward we will choose two new schools for implementation. Hence, on this axis our strategy remains the same as last year but with three new batches in the old schools and with addition of two new schools. AXIS B
Rationale: In order to facilitate this process, we will convene a small group to provide guidance and do the final evaluation known as the “consultative committee”. This group will comprise:
This group will work together with the students group to draw up a checklist for making the schools fully disability-inclusive for PI and VI students. The students will then liaise with the school administration to implement these changes. The consultative committee will also be available for any support to the students group. At the end of the year when checklist has been implemented, the consultative committee will do a final evaluation. 6. Activities
9. Peer Mentoring Programme During the TPEP, we sensitized students on various issues of disability concerning inclusion of children with disability. These students of mainstream school are excited and want to continue to implement the process of Inclusion in their school. On the other hand, as a result of the success of the Programme three out of five of the schools have given admission to children with disabilities in their various sections ranging from 2nd standard to 11th standard. To promote inclusion in the three of the schools we will start Peer Mentoring Programme through which we will match sensitized students with the students with disabilities in one-to-one relationship to provide guidance to students with disabilities on various issues like school work, social issues, support services required within the class room and school etc. These students will solve the day-to-day academic and behavioural problems of the students with disability. This will certainly build healthy relationship between students with and without disabilities. It will help sensitize other students and will help them to become involved in the life of the students with disability. We believe that this peer mentoring will allow genuine inclusion of students with disabilities. For this a special mentoring Programme will be designed to provide positive influence on the students with disabilities. 8. ISSUES TO BE TAKEN UP DURING INTERACTION 1. Change of perception about disabled and disability 9. Sustainability of the project The whole idea of working with this approach of creating Teen Peer Educator groups in schools is to inculcate sustainability within the project from its inception. We have also proposed to involve the teachers, principals and boards (where possible) to try and ensure that once we have moved on the efforts still carry on. Also, we propose to link these groups with main stream advocacy movements such as “9 is Mine” and CR4WSF etc in order to ensure sustainability and amplification of the projects. 10. Project duration The duration of the proposed initiative is as follows:
(As per annexure) Preparation of the final report – 10 working days (2 weeks) 11. Total Annexed PHASE – I CHAPTER 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION
1.2 What do you understand by “NORMAL”? 1.4 List needs of a human being. CHAPTER 2 Disability and Diversity 2.1 What do you understand by Empathy and Sympathy? 2.2 Simulation Exercise 2.3 What is Diversity? 2.3.1 How disability is part of diversity? 2.3.4 How do we view persons with disability as people excluded from society or people included in PHASE – II CHAPTER 3 Myths, 3.1 What are the myths, misconceptions, stereotypes and prejudices in the context of persons with disabilities are concerned? 3.1.1 What are the sources of myths, stereotypes and 3.2 What is impairment, disabled and handicap? 3.3 How do we form images? 3.4 What is the relationship between perception of the problem, attitudes and nature of services rendered? CHAPTER 4 Rights and Responsibilities 4.1 What are human rights and responsibilities of an individual? PHASE – III CHAPTER 5 Understanding Persons with Disabilities 5.1 About various disabilities CHAPTER 6 About Accessibility and Various Acts/Schemes 6.1 What is accessibility? PHASE – IV CHAPTER 9 Disability Etiquettes 9.1 INTRODUCTION 9.2.1 Using wheelchair PHASE – V Presentation of project reports by the students of five schools, final evaluation and report writing etc. |